waste disposal, waste management, telematics, gps, sensor, bin fill

Telematics Becoming Critical To Improving Company Initiatives In Waste Disposal

As a business grows, new initiatives are often put in place to help better the company. When it comes to waste disposal, fleets are typically looking to accomplish initiatives related to their environmental impact, worker morale, and promoting accountability in corporate culture. To successfully meet all of these initiatives, having a 360 telematics solution is […]

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food transportation, telematics, refeers

Food Transportation And High Temperatures Never Mix

As businesses begin to reopen, commercial fleets that transport fresh food products may start to feel pressure of new demand. And given the current economic environment, losing revenue due to temperature irregularities will place additional unnecessary stress on managers and drivers to ensure that shipments are never rejected.  Here we will discuss the responsibilities that […]

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R2V communication, telematics, first responders, emergency vehicles

Keeping First Responders and Roadway Operators Safe With R2V Communication

During a time when distracted driving is at an all-time high, the need for the safe and quick arrival of first responders is critical. However, with so many vehicles on the road, emergency responders and roadway operators are at constant risk of being struck or involved in collisions. Not only can gridlock stop responders from […]

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