How Zenduit’s BUS ETA App Helps Improve Customer Service and Geotab Customer Relations
February 15, 2018
We here at Zenduit love nothing more than to solve problems for our customers. When a Geotab Partner came to us with the challenge of producing a real-time Bus ETA for their Geotab Customer, we started the consultative process.
First, we proceeded by understanding the key challenges for the end customer which operate a number of Hawaii Resorts across the island. The end customer’s mission is straightforward; to provide the best quality of service for their end customer from the time they start their stay to the end. The challenges the customer faced were managing their operations as well as providing up to the date information to their guests including:
- Having to rely on a shuttle schedule in paper form for guests to refer to so they know when the next shuttle arrives
- Not having accurate updates and changes to ETA based on real-time events
Customer Goals Included:
1. The main goal was to provide arrival/departure times on the monitors at each stop.
2. Show real-time expected time of the shuttle bus based on current driven route
3. Ability to display ETA to customers on monitor as well as mobile web page
4. The web app needs to allow the user to select the shuttle stop location and estimate arrival/departure times based on the location selected
5. The Shuttle web app for the monitors need to be responsive so guests can view from any web browser
Our Solution:
During the process of creating a solution for this problem by leveraging Geotab’s real-time Active Tracking capabilities and Geotab Rules Engine, – We proposed a solution:
- A TV monitor displaying bus route data for customers viewable on a web page/mobile responsive view
- Information shown will include real-time arrival and departure times of the shuttles and will update dynamically based on current conditions
- A mobile application that will display ETA of shuttles for customers and other relevant information
We developed the solution based on:
1. Utilizing past routes for expected ETA and route patterns
2. Ability to open the trip on the Geotab map and/or web page and save the trip as a route
3. These trips would include speed and time giving us an accurate estimation of ETA based on location on the route
The End Result
The customer was excited to see the results of the proposed solution – they have a real-time map with bus routes they can now display at each stop showing when the next bus will arrive. They expect this to alleviate the incoming calls of ETA and save time and money for everyone while providing excellent customer service that showcases their customer-focused approach to technology.