Mississauga, ON – June 30, 2022 – Hello Everyone, This month ZenduIT has announced updates for its ZenduiT ZenduCAM, ZenduONE Platform, ZenduWork, ZenduForms, and ZenduMAps solution. These updates improve the overall solution experience for the user and add multiple features and performance insights that are accessible from a single interface.
Available June 2022: ZenduCAM – Addition of a new auto-completion feature to suggest searches in the search and filter tab
In the new update, we have added an auto-completion feature for the search tab and filter options where customers can get suggestions based on the text characters, typed in the search bar. It helps to select the necessary option faster and thus make informed decisions.
Available June 2022: ZenduONE Mobile APP – Addition of Custom LogOut notification for individual devices
For ZenduONE Mobile APP, Customers will only receive log-out push notifications on the device they have logged out and thus this notification will not be received on other ZenduONE devices.
Available June 2022: Trax Beacon – Addition of charts for the beacons
For Trax Beacons, We have added chart features that customers can view to monitor the status of the beacon, along with their mac id and no of packets threshold values. Based on the threshold values, if it goes below one, customers can create custom time alerts.
Available June 2022: ZenduCAM – Modification to UI and upload features for ZenduCAM
For the ZenduCAM Admin panel, we have updated the UI for the product page along with the capability to upload images up to 2 MB.
Available June 2022: ZenduWork – Auto-update feature for Forms and associated work orders
In the Jobs module, Customers can now select an existing job and update any work form associated with it. This modification will replicate across all the work orders associated with the particular form, thus eliminating the manual update process for all the work orders.
Available June 2022: ZenduCAM – Updated download feature for exceptions data
In the Maps module, for the exceptions option, customers can now download an excel report for all the exceptions data with detailed video links which the customer can refer for getting the context about the exceptions.
Available June 2022: ZenduMaps – Addition of new custom option for Date Range
In Zendumaps, on the configuration page, we have added a new option called enabled 30 days date range along with the default enable two-day date range option. It gives customers an additional option to specify the date range while creating Maps in ZenduMap.
Available June 2022: ZenduForms – Updated download and sort feature for submission data
For ZenduForms, In the submissions option, Customers can now sort all the submitted forms based on their status, name, and other details. Also, they can download a detailed excel report on the submission data with the new download button.
About ZenduIT
We develop intelligent fleet and field service solutions by leveraging our expertise in IoT software development, fleet management, and consulting to help our clients see measurable results. We focus on improving efficiency, profitability, and overall success through the use of customizable telematics technology.
To learn more about ZenduIT’s products or offerings, please visit: www.zenduit.com or call 1.855.936.3848