Last week we discussed how many fleet managers are turning their attention to dashcams as they’re not only useful for collecting video footage, but maintaining communication and improving training. While we previously discussed where the initial interest of these camera solutions came from and what fleet managers typically learn from solutions providers, in Part 2 we’ll go in-depth about what lasting effects fleet camera solutions can have on fleets.
If you didn’t have a chance to read Part 1, read it here: https://staging.zenduit.com/part-1-understanding-the-true-benefits-of-fleet-cameras/
Why Managers Can’t Afford To Not Equip Their Vehicles With Fleet Cameras
Typically, business owners work in a preventative nature. Meaning, they put procedures and processes in place to prevent risks from happening, rather than simply reacting to problems as they arise. In fact, this is seen throughout fleets as they implement dash cameras to reduce risk in a proactive nature.
With current tech-improvements, dash cameras have become a reliable tool in reducing the risk of commercial vehicle drivers operating company vehicles while impaired. This is possible as facial recognition technology can monitor a drivers face and behaviours to alert fleet managers of dangerous driving that could be related to driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. For example, swerving lanes, forgetting to signal or struggling to keep eyes open can all be picked up by smart technology in fleet cameras. In times where these triggers are picked up, a fleet manager could be alerted and encouraged to make communication with the driver to further investigate the drivers ability to operate the vehicle safely and legally.
How Overlooking Implementation Requirements Could Harm Your Fleet
While there are numerous benefits to implementing camera solutions, it’s important that fleet managers are doing everything they can to ensure productivity, safety and reliability to drive success.
The first thing to keep in mind is proper training. Specifically ensuring that all personnel who come in contact with the solution are trained. This includes fleet managers, dispatchers, and drivers. This will allow for all team members to know not only how to use the solution accurately, but what the solution is capable of doing on a daily basis.
The second thing to keep in mind is in regards to the reviewing process. Specifically ensuring that dispatchers and managers understand how to properly review the footage so they can make changes that drive results. Whether it’s knowing what behaviours or actions are concerning, how to address such concerns or how to use the footage of previous drivers in learning and training material, understanding all of this and more through proper training is critical to the success of the fleet camera implementation.
Lastly, fleet managers must also do what they can to ensure a seamless adoption of the solution. Specifically by taking the time to introduce the new technology and discuss its importance to fleet and driver safety, productivity and reliability. This allows managers and business owners to remain transparent about how it can help the business while allowing for discussions about expectations or questions to happen. Typically, starting these types of conversations will allow for greater acceptance to occur.