Regular maintenance is vital to protecting any vehicle, and oil changes are too often neglected. Here are the top reasons why oil changes should be a priority.
1. Keep Your Engine Running Smoothly
Oil lubricates, cools, and cleans an engine’s moving parts. Oil is what keeps metal parts within an engine from causing damage when they rub against each other. It cools these parts as the friction heats them up, and oil also collects dust and debris that may get into an engine and it carries that material away to be trapped in the oil filter. Over time, oil will degrade and lose its ability to perform all these functions. That is why regular changes to give your engine fresh oil are vital.
2. Improve Gas Mileage
Engines run more smoothly with fresh oil, and that allows them to use fuel more efficiently. That translates into better gas mileage and improving the mileage of each vehicle in a fleet just a little bit can add up to major savings.
3. Extend the Life of an Engine
An engine that is routinely given fresh oil will last longer than one that is not. Dirty oil and the dirt and grime it contains will cause increased friction between an engine’s moving parts. Over time, this will wear down precision-engineered parts that must fit perfectly together and it will lead to some leakage between parts like the pistons and the engine block. By the time that starts happening, there is not much that can be done besides overhauling the engine. Routine maintenance like oil changes can make an engine go much further before any drastic steps are necessary.
4. Comply With Manufacturer’s Warranty Obligations
Extended vehicle warranties are becoming more common, but they are usually not one-sided agreements. Manufacturers usually require users to perform routine maintenance or the warranty can be voided. Oil changes are usually one of these required items. Even if you do not get a warranty voided, there is no reason to forgo regular oil changes if they are offered by a manufacturer. That is a valuable service you are paying for when you buy the vehicle, so you might as well use it.
5. Regular Check-Ups Are Good
An oil change is also an opportunity for a regular check up on an engine. When a mechanic goes in to check the oil, he or she may notice other items that need tending too. Used oil can also tip off a mechanic to serious problems. For example, metal shards in the oil are usually a warning sign that some key parts of the motor are coming apart. It is much better to find that kind of problem in a shop than out on the road.
Zendu Maintenance Can Keep Oil Changes On Track
If you manage a fleet, it can seem like a daunting challenge to know exactly when each vehicle is due for an oil change. ZenduMA can make this a piece of cake. This software program tracks the manufacturer’s recommendation for each model and then collects odometer and engine run time data from each vehicle in a fleet. When a vehicle is due for an oil change, the maintenance team gets an alert from the system and the mechanics can go to work. When they are done, they note that in the system and ZenduMA will begin counting down to the next oil change. ZenduMA makes tracking routine maintenance a breeze.